"Wreathed in Magic, at the edge of the Shroud;
What was once so Hidden, may yet be found."

- The Veiled Star -

- The Veiled Star -

Heavy RP - Balmung - Sanctuary & Brothel

Through desire or luck you have stumbled upon this place of respite nestled beneath the boughs of the Black Shroud.
Founded by seasoned courtesans, this place is one of quiet reflection and intimate pleasure for both staff and clientele against nature that's ever in bloom.
Admittance by appointment or invitation.= Lavender Beds - Plot 21, Ward 26 - Balmung =

The Veiled Star is a 21+ mature roleplaying free company based on the Balmung server, but is active throughout the Crystal Datacenter through events and partnerships with different FCs and venues.Our priority is providing the highest quality of character-driven roleplay and collaborative storytelling through networked events, and each member's individual pursuits.

- The Veiled Star -

Heavy RP - Balmung - Sanctuary & Brothel

The Veiled Star is the product of bonded duo Siroh'a Relanah and Raena Daleesh who desired a brothel that would fit the needs of themselves and their fellow courtesans. Located in an otherwise undisclosed, but distinctly un-Gridanian part of the Shroud, the Star endeavored to keep its presence small, providing its members and guests with an ever-elusive sense of sanctuary.Each member is fundamentally freelance. They use the space, bring their clients back to it, and have found a place to rest their head outside of whatever circumstance first brought them there.Of course, "sanctuary" doesn't turn a profit.A business intimately connected to their own, the Black Lotus, based out of Ishgard serves as their primary foothold. Specializing in imports to the once-starved Ishgardian market, this venture supplies the Star with everything it would ever need to maintain its solitude through its outward business as a bar and venue space.If one was to heed whispers, however, they might hear something else rattling about in the dark; certain grey connections, and information sold to those who ask in just the right way. Hardly all knowing, and a small player in that great game, those of the Veiled Star have a few, quiet connections if the price is right and the taste is palatable-- even including sanctuary in the truest sense: a place in which to hide from a past that pursues as doggedly as a shadow clings to one's heels.

Out of character, the Veiled Star is an invite-only, small-scale brothel in which our members work as freelance courtesans under our banner. In short, we host events, we work with other FCs and venues, but our people pursue their own goals, attend what they want, and set their own prices.Each week we go to a variety of social, brothel, and adventure related events with the goal of creating a variety to both provide our members with as many opportunities to express their characters as possible, and to meet people just like you.We know that our lovely members are the best, and each would be happy to show you why we're so sure of that.Outside of direct inquiry, you'll most frequently see us out in other venues on a weekly basis having been hired or partnered by those groups. If you see us around, you're more than encouraged to say hi while engaging with the people we adore and support.Have an event and need some skilled hosts? Feel free to head down to the inquiries section and let us know. If there's room in the schedule, we're always happy to help out.

- The Veiled Star -

Heavy RP - Balmung - Sanctuary & Brothel

Our Hosts

Siroh'a Relanah

U'lara Rocco

Azmodea Celebrian

Kaya Dewynter

Threya Wynn

Ayla Brandywine

Senovia Noh

V'hala Helsi

Xue Wan

Sava Valdari

Kattara Silverlight

Roselle Vissard

Coming Soon!

Raena Daleesh

Taedra Brooke

Quela Kisne

M'merut Merut

Ai'saya Vhocri

Raiko Rikimaru

Ninne Xavalien

Alys Jinjahl

Nicolette Noira

Katsuyo Arulaq

Alice Faust

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

- The Veiled Star -

Heavy RP - Balmung - Sanctuary & Brothel

Want time with us? Click the picture and fill out the form.We recommend taking a look at our staff profiles first, but if you're looking for a suggestion, go right ahead.Pricing for service will vary among our members, and they are free to set whatever price they would like.However, as a rule of thumb, most of our courtesans will hover around a minimum of 200k per hour for first-time clients, with a suggested three-hour booking. We are a heavy-RP, character focused FC so having a relative price tag set to that might raise some brows, but we've found it's appropriate to set an expectation for both parties, particularly given that the price point is around standard to most other brothels.
That said, final pricing is solely up to the discretion of the courtesan in question.

- The Veiled Star -

Heavy RP - Balmung - Sanctuary & Brothel

Interested in joining us? Read this.

NOTE: Primarily interested in Courtesan applications. Extra staff and members are possible, but on a case-by-case basis. We have (2) open slots for new Courtesans, with an option to take on more at our discretion.
Balmung Applicants only; others need not apply.

The Veiled Star is a small, dynamic group of independently driven RPers who focus on characters around the setting of a brothel in the Shroud. Owned by Siroh’a Relanah and Raena Daleesh, the Veiled Star is a private, invite-only enterprise meant to cater to the desires of our clientele, and the staff who may just see it as a sanctuary from the lives they left behind. It’s a quiet, delicate place. The people who are seeking it out may be anything from enterprising courtesans, to down-on-their-luck whores, and everything in between—The difference is just semantic to the Curators, and the Star is happy to take on any who find joy in this delicate work.Sometimes, even people who simply need a place to rest their head and recover from the world outside slip through the cracks, and if they keep the secrets of the Star, they'll be more than welcome beneath the veil of shady boughs.+Out of character, we are a full-time mature content RP-FC with a primary focus on creating space and opportunity for a small group of talented, character-focused RPers. We provide opportunities for traditional brothel work, social events, NSFW events, and regular adventures by our own members and our partner FCs that we cherish and work with on a weekly basis. Our goal is to provide as many options as we can, so that you can find the niche you enjoy—Or, simply use the space as you wish, with a focus on taking your own clients.We believe in a, ‘do what you want’ policy. As long as you have a pulse and are enjoying yourself, we’re happy, no matter how many events you are or aren’t engaged in.In character, the Veiled Star is an outfit out of the Black Shroud outside the bounds of Gridania. It’s a decidedly neutral business that serves as a sanctuary to its members, its clients, and the occasional person who just needs the help. There is a grey element to it, and while on the sex-work side of things there is invariably discretion, the secondary identity of the Veiled Star is that of an information brokerage. While small, the brothel has a handful of connections on both sides of the law, and has been known to make those manifest for the right person with the right coin.Our recruitment is open only in limited bursts, typically accompanying advertisement of open slots, but we're somewhat particular with the sort of person we want to represent us, and the sort of traits we want to see exhibited.
They are as follows:
1) Confidence. Nerves will always be a thing, and we certainly all have them here, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of our events will be social affairs. Being able to thrive in that environment is almost a necessity, and given that this is a brothel, confidence in erotic situations is highly recommended for obvious reasons. We take joy in RP, in having our characters meet new people, and in writing varied erotic scenarios. We hope you do too.2) Activity. VS-RP was originally founded on the idea of being completely and totally freelance. We've stayed true to this and do not require that you attend any of the events we offer. Now, we'd like you to, naturally, but the idea behind this is that we will provide a wealth of opportunities, and a shared space to use. Whether you come to a few events, or all of them, we don’t really care—But, we do at least want to see you around, even if you're doing your own thing. As such, we prioritize main characters, or at least active alts.3) A focus on writing a character. This is the important one, and what we feel primarily defines our identity as an FC. The bare minimum of what you’ll get from the Veiled Star is a space with a story to tell, and people around it. We’re more than happy to accept full ERP characters, but there should be a -character- to sink our teeth into in the proper context of the setting beyond a list of kinks. We’re looking for people who see the space and are excited to use it, just as much as we are excited to get to know you.4) Independence. VS-RP is, as mentioned, meant to promote freelancing. So, there’s very, very little actually expected of you once you’re in, but the trade-off for this is that-- while we will provide you with multiple opportunities per week to RP or otherwise indulge – you should be comfortable writing your own storylines with your own partners. Everyone is richer if someone comes in with something to share, and this FC is best for people who are looking to enrich their own storylines in addition to seeking out what we can provide for them. Now, if you as an RPer are newer, or the character is less established this is also okay. We want to grow this little community one way or another, and if this is your step one, we're happy to have you walk with us and aim toward that rich writing environment you're seeking.5) Good vibes. This feels like common sense, but we are a small group, not a big community. We rely on trusting each other and knowing that we can safely recommend you, or extend an invitation to you wherever we may go. The FC tag is -very- much our seal of approval, and inside our community of partners and friends, that means something.Once this form is submitted, it will be sent directly to Raena and Siroh’a to evaluate based on the answers you’ve provided, up to and including a small RP sample. We may opt to meet you in game, or otherwise to invite you along to something to get to know you if we need a little more detail—or, frankly, just want to see you in a more organic circumstance.If you've come this far, and think you want to give us a shot, then by all means, fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.Best of luck, and I hope that you'll be joining us. ♥ -Siroh'a

Need to contact us for whatever reason?
Questions, concerns, interests in hiring us for your event, or otherwise discussing a partnership?
Feel free to either reach out to Siroh'a Relanah @ Balmung, or send us an inquiry using this form.We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

- Siroh'a Relanah -

Male - Pansexual - Keeper of the Moon

One of two that own the Veiled Star, Siroh'a is an experienced courtesan who specializes in conversation and building a sense of quiet intimacy with his clients.A consummate performer with a malleable air, Siroh’a serves as quicksilver with his partners. Seeking interesting people, and fascinating stories, he claims to want to know the nature of each unique individual—and experience would support that thought. Styling himself as something of a storyteller and socialite, one might find that this Miqo’te belongs at anything from an Ishgardian Masquerade to a low-down, underground fight-pit; experience, you see, is never found in only one place.

Siroh's Carrd

Interests: Exploring a partner's kinks, social affairs, physical affection.
Disinterests: Violence against his person.
Orientation: Pansexual; Top-leaning.

- Raena Daleesh -

Female - Bisexual - Keeper of the Moon

Co-owner of the Veiled Star, Raena adds her distinctive style to the stable of courtesans that grace the free company. She is a veteran of one on one and group interactions, and can provide anything from an erotic encounter to an evening of rowdy games.Adventurous and a constant seeker of new experiences, sensations, and locations, she adeptly adapts to her companions in both manner and needs. She may have grown up in a sheltered life hidden deep within the northern reaches of the Black Shroud, but she developed a deep sense of curiosity in which she indulges at every opportunity. Yet, her boisterous and fun-loving demeanor have roots in a serious dedication to her role and chosen profession.

Raena's Carrd

Interests: Plunging into the most physically and emotionally thrilling sensual experiences.
Disinterests: No permanent damage and no scat please!
Orientation: Bi; bottom.

- Azmodea Celebrian -

Female - Pansexual - Duskwight Elezen

Mystery is the name of Azmodea Celebrian.To say that she found her way to the Star without a word or even the mildest announcement wouldn't be inaccurate. She's a baffling presence; a Duskwight unassociated with Gridania, with the look and demeanor of a wealthy socialite, but the skills of a hermit apothecary who is nevertheless contented with gracing you with her presence.Take her hand to an evening among nobility-- or, let her take yours --whether to delight or lust until morning comes. You'll have her attention either way, and we can almost guarantee that you won't be able to peel back even a single layer of exposition from this enigmatic healer.And, somehow, that won't matter.

[Azmodea's F-list]

Interests: Magic. Herbology. Sultry conversation. Risque outfits.
Disinterests: Boredom. Pushy individuals. Damage to her person, and filth.
Orientation: Pansexual; Top-leaning Switch.

- U'lara Rocco -

Female - Straight - Seeker of the Sun

Those sweet and deceptively innocent features. Such downy soft fur of shimmering gold. That supple skin, creamy and inviting, and the alluring figure of her well-toned physique await behind a veiled aquamarine gaze.Hailing from a branch of the Drake tribe that settled deep in the south-eastern reaches of the Sagolii desert U'lara has proven to be a resilient and adaptable young woman. She can fit in just about everywhere thanks to her patient and observant nature, often hidden behind a coy brashness.To spend time with U'lara is to be immersed in a daydream. She exudes a playfulness bordering on delight. She is excitable, demure, proud, and easy-going. To those with wit and confidence, she will be the most complex and doting partner one could ask for. To those who capture her attention, a sultry and sensual vixen eager to share the secrets of her affections and an insatiable appetite for pleasure.The runaway Seeker from the Sagolii is, at heart, a creature of whim. A smile isn't always offered freely, but that's all part of the magic to the ones who've paid that price-- and earned this courtesan's favor in spades.

Lara's Carrd
Lara's F-list

Interests: Rough, passionate scenes. Sensual & gentle scenes. Oral fixation. Aftercare. 'Girlfriend experience'. Thrill-Seeking. Dom/Sub play.
Disinterests: Abusive behaviors.
Orientation: Heterosexual; Switch.

- M'merut Merut -

Female - Pansexual - Lalaqo'te

Run.Too late, she's found you.M'erut is a curious case. In a house of Miqo'te, she is somehow more primal than most of them combined. Diminutive in size, due in part to her curious half-breed nature, she nonetheless has one of the most aggressive presences in the Star. They liken her to an incredibly irate house-cat, and perhaps that's best displayed by the fact that she quite likes playing with her food.She'll taunt. Tease. Berate. And, well, probably jump at you from a high place with sharp fangs, and nails that might as well be claws. With that sort of rough, tribal exterior one might wonder just what they had gotten themselves into-- before she opens her mouth and speaks with a delighted, affluent candor, as if the spirit of an Ishgardian noblewoman had taken control.She's a curious case indeed, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Tread lightly, traveler.

[Merut's Carrd]
Merut's Artist Account

Interests: Primal play. Tea. Hunting. Refined conversation.
Disinterests: Overly brutish people. A lack of respect.
Orientation: Pansexual; Switch.

- Ninne Xavalien -

Female - Homosexual - Duskwight

NOTE: This Profile is under redesign. As such, this courtesan is currently unavailable for booking.

"Writing is the manifestation of the most powerful magick: that of imagination."A healthy (or obsessive to some) consumption of books has left this Elezen with an imaginative streak a malm wide. She is always happy to strike up a conversation on just about any subject imaginable, the more fantastic the better. If you’re looking for more intellectual pleasures, Ninne is happy to provide.That isn’t to say you shouldn’t come to her for more intimate companionship. Her love of books is matched only by her own imagination- and the magical ability to make it manifest. Describing her as a "creative lover" would be an understatement, and any night with her is one to remember for the rest of one’s life.Just don’t mention the Elementals.

[Ninne's Carrd]

Interests: Books, reading, exploring new ideas, open minded lovers.
Disinterests: Elementals, filth, inflicting of pain.
Orientation: Lesbian, somewhat sapiosexual. Switch.

- Quela Kisne -

Female - Pansexual - Veena

We're not entirely sure what we did to deserve this Viera's presence, but we're happy to take it. A soft and excitable creature, Quela Kisne is the very physical manifestation of an evening that you may never forget.Quick on her feet, fun, and entirely encouraging when you need her to be, Quela is a courtesan that thrives on energy and reaction. What you give unto her, this magitek expert has the calculated propensity to throwing it right back two, or threefold. While she can appreciate a quiet evening like the others, her interest will always be piqued by those who aren't afraid to amuse her.Well, that and if you lavish her with compliments, gifts, and attention.That helps too.

Quela's Carrd
Quela's F-list

Interests: Explosives. Engineering. Exploration. Adventuring. Attentive partners.
Disinterests: Uncleanliness. Rude and pushy attitudes. Abrasive behavior.
Orientation: Pansexual; Submissive-leaning switch; Power Bottom.

- Taedra Brooke -

Female - Bisexual - Xaela

There is wonder in the stars above.Raised on the island of Sharlayan, Taedra Brooke has always led with scholarly pursuits at the forefront of her thoughts, gaze turned in particular toward the night sky. An astrologian in the truest sense, her chief interest has always been interpreting the celestial whims of the above through her deck, and a particular interest in working through the fortunes of others.Somewhere along the line, that led her to us. We aren't quite sure whether she thought we were an observatory at first glance, but if a mistake was made, she sure hasn't seen fit to correct us.Taedra remains one of our most doting, careful partners. She embodies the nature of service and the most tender care, taking the time to truly invest herself in her client's interests-- fates, even, if they're so inclined. She favours quiet evenings and partners ready to lead, but may certainly take an instructional tone if need be.And, yes. She may let you use the telescope in her room. If you ask nicely.

Taedra's Carrd (N/A)

Interests: Being at the sexual whims of her partner, being praised and given affection, being told what to do
Disinterests: Filth, damage to herself (within reason)
Orientation: Bisexual - Male pref; Switch - Bottom Leaning.

- Kaya Dewynter -

Female - Bisexual - Midlander

NOTE: This player is currently on hiatus. As such, this courtesan is unavailable for booking.

Of our courtesans, you'll find none more seasoned and sultry as Kaya Dewynter.When it comes to eroticism, she is on a tier of her own. From demure smiles, tender touch, to eager pleasure she is a huntress that lives for and thrives on intimately exploring every ministration she can provide. She is in her element in the heated throes of passion, and the wanton discourse of lascivious debauchery.Kaya will charm, entertain, and please -- But never disregard the fact that if you've made it this far you are surely in her sights. She is a predator, and your pleasure is her prey.

Kaya's F-list

Interests: Her partner(s) pleasure. Roughness. Being marked and made a mess. Cum.
Disinterests: Damage to her person. Violence without pleasurable intent or focus.
Orientation: Pansexual - Male Pref; Switch - Bottom Leaning.

- Ai'saya Vhocri -

Female - Pansexual - Miqo'te

A dear companion to both Siroh'a and Raena, Saya is a constant presence in the Star.Of the Courtesans under their yolk, Saya is perhaps the one to always be found at home, ready with a cup of tea and a whole smorgasbord of perverse inclinations. She serves the house in the role of the head maid, but she's more a creature of affection and utterly confident desires than anything else. While she usually desires to be led by a leash and collar, her confidence has developed to a point where she is more than capable of putting a more timid partner under her thumb.She is nothing if not curious, and for the right person, she is utterly insatiable.

[Saya's F-list]

Interests: Respectful people. Pet play. Roughness. Keeping a bit of control.
Disinterests: Violence. Filth.
Orientation: Pansexual; Switch - Bottom Leaning.

- Threya Wynn-

Female - Bisexual - Veena

It's easy to write off the rumors surrounding the War Dancers of Thavnair as exaggerations.For those who haven't seen it, they might consider the dance just a performance, or a complete overstatement of their abilities. Those of the Veiled Star know that those who doubt couldn't be more wrong, for Threya Wynn, known by her curious city name Momosa Carbuncle, has long been a friend to the house.Most of the time, she can be found practicing her trade as a mercenary associated with a small outfit, but every now and then, she has been known to join on the Star's outings, either to grace a venue with her dance, or to take a client firmly into the back and grind their hips into powder treat them to a fine evening where they just might get to know each other.Good luck. If you catch her eye, you may just need it.

Threya's Carrd

Interests: Using her performances as sensual foreplay, playing out fantasies and chasing the pleasure of her partner, rough play.
Disinterests: Filth, damage to herself (within reason).
Orientation: Bisexual - Male Pref; Switch - Bottom Leaning


Female - Pansexual - Rava

Are you seeking a formidable matron to break the wild stallions of your deepest-held fantasies? Do you want a lover as deferential as she is expert to bend to your darkest whims and satisfy your most illicit cravings? For the right price, this gorgeous Rava woman can be either.When she stands behind the bar—merrily mixing drinks with a skill perfected over more than a hyuran lifetime—Ayla’s emerald eyes and one-point-six-million gil smile tend to arrest her patrons’ attention. But it's the purr in her breathy, elfin voice and the sway in her wide, motherly hips that captures their imaginations. And when they decide they want more than just a drink? Well, that’s her favorite part: The negotiation.“Always know exactly what you’re selling, and always know exactly what it’s worth to you.”

Ayla's Carrd
Ayla's F-list

Interests: Networking, business, favorable exchanges of currency, goods, and services; brewing, distilling, and mixology from cocktails to elixirs and potions; novel experiences, ardent partners, dark rooms, sensual music.
Disinterests: Legality, moral absolutism, senseless violence, death, and taxes.
Orientation: Pansexual, versatile, omnivorous.

- Jesk Kha -

Female - Pansexual - Xaela

You say you've met them all -- the courtesans the world. You've met the tame ones, the wild ones, even the crazy ones. You want something different, something new.You might looking for something specific, that may edge on the darker side of what others have to offer. Jesk specializes in helping you explore that darker side to your soul, and she's not afraid to meet your shadow and help you confront it straight on.Having been through her own personal hell and back Jesk understands what suffering is. She loves to ease others worries and strife in the best way she knows how - through pleasure and attention. Sometimes all you need is a best friend, and sometimes what you need is a way to take out your frustrations.Jesk will be both. If you've managed to find your way to her table, pray understand, she won't be letting you leave until you both manage to explode.

Jesk's Carrd
Jesk's F-list

Interests: Overwhelming pleasure for her partner, rough play, exploring new kinks. Walks through nature, a purple so deep it is black.
Disinterests: Disrespect, Degredation, Outright hatred.
Orientation: Pansexual - Switch.

- V'hala Helsi -

Female - Bisexual - Seeker

With a toss of her snowy strands, you catch sight of a mischievous smile; invitingly coy, she beckons you to draw closer. Will you allow this mountain lioness to drag you back to her den?V'hala could be described in various ways, but 'unmotivated' is not one of them. A woman more worldly and well-traveled than most, this Seeker has seen and done much in spite of her youth, and learned just as much. Having picked up and mastered numerous means by which she can charm and seduce, she's confident in her skills and even more certain that she'll leave her suitors with an exhausted satisfaction rarely found elsewhere.Alongside her own womanly tricks, she keeps an arsenal of tailor-made devices and concoctions meant to entice and pleasure any who are bold enough to ask, and might even let you borrow them to use on her, if you're so inclined. But be wary, for this sly Miqo'te is not so easily tamed, and is just as likely to tame you if you aren't careful.

V'hala's Carrd
Vhala's' F-list

Interests: Dom/Sub play, petplay, aftercare/cuddling, toys.
Disinterests: Uncleanliness, overt abuse, damage to her person.
Orientation: Bisexual - Female Pref; Switch - Leans Submissive.

- Katsuyo Arulaq -

Female - Bisexual - Xaela

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Brutal, efficient, a civilized savage in a primal world of anachronisms and modern riddles. Part of a tribe that had been 'lost' for over 200 years, she came across a band of foreign visitors while venturing out on the Steppe. This was the first taste of a vast reality beyond the yurts of her tribe and the wandering life of being a warrior and hunter. One to train diligently and live for the fight, she has honed her skills in more than one style of fighting, seeking to find the most challenging of prey to hunt and conquer.That said, Katsuyo is not a fool to be merely blinded by wishes for victory nor ruled by less than a logical mind in the right moments, yet anger and passion run through her psyche, tempered little by the wish for blood, guts and glory. Flesh is but one means of currency, and hunting the most sentient of beings is perhaps her greatest challenge. She occasionally offers her services for hunting and other martial tasks.A lover of cakes in pans, one delicacy discovered since coming to Eorzea, she enjoys life as its most simple level, yet the complexities are not beyond her. Not a shy woman, she has no problem taking what is wanted or striving for what is earned. She respects those that earn it and does not suffer fools lightly.

Katsuyo's Carrd
Katsuyo's F-list

Interests: Witty conversation, Exploring Kinks, Seduction, Defeating those larger than herself, Pet play, Aftercare, Shibari/Rope Play, Archaeology, Objectification, Adventure.
Disinterests: Permanent Damage, Filth, Overbearing personalities.
Orientation: Bisexual (Male Lean) - Sapiosexual

- Sava Valdari -

Female - Pansexual - Midlander

From a gleaner of Sharlayan to a field scholar in the East, Sava’s journey to an escort within the Veiled Star is a storied one. Educated in the Studium, she is fiercely intelligent, witty, and versatile as a conversationalist. Sava is as tenacious entering this world of sensuality as she has been with her other conquests, brashly rushing into many of the most extreme kinks. Just ask if you’re unsure of her willingness to journey into the wilds of your erotic journey.Sava can be huffy when the impatient professor in her comes out, but that can lead to the satisfaction of putting a brat in her place. Her pride and need for approval gets her into many brow-raising situations as a submissive, but she can play the part of an exacting mistress as well. She’s also available as eye candy to hang off your arm for events, philosophical conversations, and tutoring in arcana, anthropology, and zoology.

Sava's Carrd
Sava's F-list

Interests: Witty clients, confidence, body worship, and exploring other’s kinks.
Disinterests: Permanent damage..
Orientation: Pansexual - Fem Pref; Sub-leaning.

- Nicolette Noira -

Female - Pansexual - Keeper

Nicky rose from the very bottom in Ul'dah: from refugee, through the meat grinders of brothels and dive-bars in the slums, only to eventually find herself far distant from the city that had been her home for the last twenty years, she has made what she considers a miraculous stand against her onetime fate. Considering her roots, she has always seen herself as someone who survives only by the generosity of others - and she has dedicated her life to becoming paradoxically seductive, yet worthy of it.Yet no matter how high she rises, the largest portion of anything she gains from her work is always sent directly back to her family outside that city that housed her and hers in its tents, unsatisfied that she was the one to escape such troubles when those she loved the most had not.Meeting her now, you will likely see at first a soft-spoken academic - for little in her bearing gives her away as anything but a Sharlayan Doctoral Candidate save the odd, desert accent that sometimes slips into her speech. However, underneath that carefully curated veneer of innocence and propriety, Nicky is a woman who has seen the very worst that the star has had to offer - and who has absolutely thrived within that chaos.

Nicolette's Carrd
Nicolette's F-list

Interests: Academic Discussion; Listening to Troubles; Physical and emotional Affection; B/D; D/S; Petplay; Aftercare.
Disinterests: Scat; Objectification.
Orientation: Pan; Switch.

- Xue Wan -

Androgyne - Pansexual - Veena

They came from the sea, a creature as fluid as the waves that bore them. At a glance, they seem like they may be delicate, a painted maiden in need of rescue from a tower of willow. Only their eyes betray them, sparkling green windows to a hungry soul, as eager for pain as pleasure and all in the name of adventure and experience.Will you come away with them into the shelter of their bower? Within, a myriad of sensations await, a feast for the eyes and ears, and if one is lucky, the fingertips and tongue also. There, you may lose yourself in total obedience to their song, or you may challenge the king in their own castle. No matter which you choose, you can rest assured of one thing. You won't want to leave their side.And yet leave you must.In the end, this Eastern rose is a blossom to be left on the vine. Thorns and all, they are at their most beautiful when as wild as their imagination. Attention does not come easily to one who seeks to impress them; be they inclined to serve, you will know.


Interests: Control, Flowers, Generosity.
Disinterests: Degradation of Self or Others, Inflexibility, Pirates.
Orientation: Active, Pansexual, Versatile.

- Alys Jinjahl -

Female - Lesbian - Xaela

At first glance, one might just understand why the Au Ra are so often mistaken for dragons.Softly glowing eyes adorned with slit pupils, a smile full of sharp fangs, and thick scales do little to dispel the illusion. Yet, her tail sways with a cat-like playfulness, her voice soft with words sweet as honey.A life-long oddity, Alys has lived in Eorzea for as long as she cares to remember, here under curious circumstance as yet unknown to herself. With a certain subtlety to her presence, in spite of her atypical citizenship, she fills her time as a scout for the Adders-- when she's not lounging at the Grove, or any one of the myriad bathhouses betwixt "here", "there", and "the next pleasure".There's a joke to be made here about a dragon's greed.Hedonistic pleasure made manifest in a knowing smile, Alys is quite capable of making her partner fruitlessly claw at her scaled back as she watches them writhe at her touch. If it pleases her, of course.Rather, If you please her.

Alys' Carrd

Interests: Getting to know her partner, Teasing, Biting, Exploring new sensations and experiences through alchemy, Coffee.
Disinterests: Permanent or unnecessary physical harm, Uncleanliness
Orientation: Lesbian - Top-leaning Switch.

- Amira Silivasi -

Female - Bisexual - Midlander

There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness.From the sea to land. There are many stories in her life and she is very happy to tell them to anyone interested. She is just as interested in your own, though you will receive bonus points if they are exciting and dangerous. She is known as a sensation seeker, and makes no qualms about admitting that her greatest thrill is the 'first' time. No matter what it is. If it makes her blood rush and her heart race, it is to be pursued at top speed. There is no adventure to dangerous, and fear seems to not be in her build. Though, have no doubt, she does have them. But most will assume otherwise.Having found her way into the Shroud, a far difference from her heretofore experience of sea and coast, she has found a love of the shadows found underneath such ancient boughs. Having found her way into the Veiled Star she has found a new haven, a place to call home. A place to discover all the various ways it is possible to find pleasure within oneself and give unto others.

Amira's Carrd
Amira's F-list

Interests: Exciting stories, dangerous adventures, confidence, scoundrels, violence
Disinterests: Boredom, cold, stuffy people, filth, permanent maiming
Orientation: Bisexual - Male Pref; Switch - Top Leaning/ Power struggles

- Alice Faust -

Female - Pansexual - Keeper

A sometime contractor with the Star, loosely connected to the organization through her adopted Niece. Alice is desensitized and ruthless, hailing from a long sequester within the darkest places the world keeps hidden away.Bound by word and vow, she has agreed to work with the Star within the boundaries of decency as they would define. As such, upon special request, she will make calls out to those who seek only the more extreme and heartless kind of joys.Hailing from the boonies of the shroud, she has widely traveled during her improbable life. Still, she always carries with her the things she learned from the forest of her birth. Practicing conjury and alchemy with cold, cruel eyes, she is prepared and capable of demonstrating why the power of life and healing is without compare the cruelest discipline of all.

Alice's carrd
Alice's F-list

Interests: Story progression, Clear Communication, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism. More exotic interests. Twisted Aftercare.
Disinterests: Romance. Love. Mercy.
Orientation: Pansexual - Dominant Top.

- Sage Asrani -

Male - Pansexual - Viera

A silver-tongued viera hailing from the city of Radz-at-han with a penchant for good conversation and physical affection.Sage is no stranger to more erotic activities. He's more than happy to take the lead in more ways the one while whispering sweet nothings and teasing words to whoever will listen. Though he's also quite content with just talking with anyone who just has the desire for interesting company if you're interested in the culture of Thavnair.--

Sage's Carrd
Sage's F-list

Interests: Rainy weather, aftercare, having someone's complete attention, gossip
Disinterests: Romantic commitment, noisy people, overly violent behavior, filth, degradation
Orientation: Pansexual -Switch, Dom leaning

- Helios Viridi -

Male - Pansexual - Keeper

If these jade eyes have caught your interest then, by all means, approach: you've already captured his interest.Soft-spoken and petite in stature, Helios is something of our neighbourhood flower. Bright and colourful, quick to offer a smile on expressions best described as sunny, Helios is the very nature of warmth-- but, much like a flower, he is one to be handled with care. Often lingering to the outside of social engagements, he's one to prefer people who can amuse and engage him privately for it is there that his inherent curiosity and sense of play will uproot this flower from the safety of his wall.Let silence not confuse you, for he is an accomplished alchemist by trade and a keen listener to the tale of anyone with a story worth telling.Those with a warm demeanor and a guiding hand will find themselves winning this Keeper's favor handily-- and, certainly, they might just find that effort worth it.

Helios' Carrd
Helios' F-list

Interests: Affection, rough play, new experiences, surrendering control.
Disinterests: Filth, disrespect, damage to his person.
Orientation: Pansexual - Male Pref; Submissive.